Marshmallow Picnic

Marshmallow Picnic

Meant to be fluffy and consumed with fire, these two Marshmallows were lucky enough for escaping the Marshmallow Picnic, but not smart enough for avoiding the dangers and puzzles that the nearby jungle has to offer. Call one of your friend for playing this cooperative 2 player adventure where both marshmallows need to reach the exit door. Collecting some stars will boost your score, but displacing rocks and even lifting the younger marshmallow, are crucial things for completing this spectacular journey. Stay fluffy and have fun!
Young Marshmallow: WASD to move, jump and push buttons. Old Marshmallow: Arrow keys to move, jump and push buttons, Space bar to lift and drop items.

Gon and Mon

Gon and Mon

Many people believe that the king of the jungle is a lion, but they probably have not heard about Gon and Mon yet, the spectacular monkey duo that dares confronting death in all its forms known to man. Get ready for a monkey business that mainly involves collecting bananas, frequently will challenge you to pass thru fire or even walk on water, occasionally can bring you joy when a level is completed, all this and much more just to complete all 20 stages and have loads of adventuring fun! Remember that fire does not affect the big monkey, while the smart little monkey is always ready to build a bridge or two. Good luck!
Big monkey: WASD to move and jump, Small monkey: Arrow keys to move and jump.

Alien Punchout

Alien Punchout

Two alien fighters are about to measure their strengths and weaknesses by dueling themselves on the craziest and funkiest 2 player fight ever existed! However, these alien fighters are interested for having quite simple, but fairly challenging fights where both players are able to move around, block attacks whenever needed and willing to deliver one or two fist punch to knock down the opponent and claim a glorious victory. Improve your skills by defeating the never tired CPU opponent, or go ahead and challenge your friends to a 2 players Punchout tournament where the new alien fighting champ can up raised!
Player 1: ASD to move and block, G to attack. Player 2 Arrow keys to move and block, L to attack. P to pause the game.

Gunner Mayhem

Gunner Mayhem

Lock and load your guns before you dive in this fast-paced frantic 2 player shooting game! There are two main goals in Gunner Mayhem, where the first one is to collect as more coins as you can, and the second goal is to shoot everything! Are you ready to run thru death, annihilation and all sorts of dangers just for proving that you can shoot your way towards fame and glory? Call a friend and cooperate in this fantastic 2 players shooting game!
Player 1: WASD to move and jump, Player 2: Arrow keys to move and jump.

Worlds at War

Worlds at War

Take control over a rotating planet and launch few photon torpedoes just to let everyone know your goals and ambitions whenever the Worlds are at War. Are you ready for this epic space war? The goal is to destroy the enemy planet to win, however, none of your enemies will not surrender without a battle. Send three types of spaceships for invading your enemies, activate a magnet shield for protecting your planet, launch and control the bounty missile for collecting coins and powerups, and when the stars are perfectly aligned, feel free to use a photon torpedo for securing your victory. Good luck!
Player 1: ASD to navigate thru menu and W to activate command. Player 2 Arrow keys to navigate thru menu and Up Arrow key to activate command.